Open Innovation & Stakeholder Engagement

The training provides an overview of current trends in open innovation, participation and stakeholder engagement. The focus is on ways to maximize the impact of scientific research through stakeholder engagement. Participants will receive tips, techniques and examples of best practices for engaging relevant stakeholders.


Recommended duration: 4-6 hours

Target group: Early career researchers who would like to collaborate with stakeholders from outside the scientific community.
Researchers who would like to reflect on and expand existing collaborations.

Course language: German or English

Possible Contents

  • Current Trends in Open Innovation and Stakeholder Engagement.

  • From topic-oriented to impact-oriented research and innovation

  • Stakeholder-Mapping

  • Best-practice examples of Open Innovation

  • Open innovation in impact-oriented proposal writing

Bringing science and research to the world!

On behalf of the Ruhr-University Bochum we offer a three-part workshop series on the topics of research transfer and cooperation with non-university partners.

Are you planning qualification programs for young scientists? Please feel free to contact us! We will be happy to put together an individual training offer for you. You are also welcome to use the following form to give us some first information around your planned training – we will then get in touch with you shortly.

Training language
Format of the training

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