Since March 2021, city2science is consortium partner in the Erasmus+ project “Virtual Hackathon”. The project deals with innovative online learning formats for universities, specifically developping the hackathon format for use in university teaching in Europe.

First Pilot hackathons

For this purpose, the Virtual Hackathon consortium is designing an online platform that supports and facilitates the execution of hackthons. A first version of the platform is already available – it allows the formation of teams, the use of online tools and provides guidance in methodology. It is also possible to use the platform to vote on the project ideas developed in the hackathon.

What a hackathon is

Within the passed months, city2science has been responsible for developing introductory information materials for the online platform. These include a short video on the hackathon format as well as information on the Sustainable Development Goals and the concept Just Transition, which form the theoretical framework for the hackathons. This is briefly explained in the short video “What a hackathon is…” produced by city2science:


Design: Mattia Morselli
Voice: Elena Tibi