Greece is known for philosophy, art, history and much more. Surrounded by modern technologies, Athens faces modern challenges affecting citizens and the environment. How do ultra-modernization and urban development affect society and the education system? Which projects already exist in the field of education that have a positive impact on the local community and the green transformation? Which innovative approaches could we develop for the the future?

Design Thinking, Gamestorming, Stakeholder Analysis, embodied Dialogue

These are questions that SciCultureD’s first intensive course will address from June 20th to 24th in Athens. The 5-day course focuses on the transdisciplinary work of various actors using different methods such as design thinking, game storming, stakeholder analysis, “embodied dialogue”, role play, etc.

Interested to participate?

Persons interetsted to participate in the intensive course do not need to have any special knowledge of the chosen “challenge”, but rather an interest in the format and methods. Registration for this course has been open since March 21st. There is the possibility to apply for a grant until May 2nd (all costs for the course, including the costs for travel, accommodation and meals will be covered). If you are interested, please contact Since the places with funding are limited, it is also possible to take part in the course for a fee. If you participate on site, the costs will be €500, and if you take part virtually, the participation fee will be €250. In the case of participation with a participation fee, the deadline is May 23, 2022.