Since March 2022 city2science is cooperating with Andrea Troncoso for a training on Science Communication and Public Engagement with a focus on the “Storytelling”-technique. Andrea Troncoso is a forest scientist by training, who has been involved in science communication, science education and EU-Project Management since 2000. She is experienced in different funding schemes of the European commission within the past 20 years: within the FP7 Framework when she worked at the National Science Office in Chile, within the Horizon2020 framework and now within Horizon Europe, where she works as manager in research projects. Andrea Troncoso coordinated different scales of projects, mainly related to science communication, science governance, science education and public engagement, at a European level.
Peter Broks started his working life as a journalist and freelance photographer before turning to academia and research into science communication. He now has over thirty years experience of combining theory with practice, working closely not only with scientists and media professionals but also graphic designers, illustrators, and fine artists. He helped to design and deliver the ground-breaking undergraduate award in Science, Society and the Media at the University of the West of England and was the research officer for NUCLEUS – a Horizon2020 project in Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI). With a strong focus on practical implementation, NUCLEUS strives to overcome institutional barriers to embedding RRI into the governance and culture of research organisations. Most recently he is the creator of the “Alchemical Workshop” – an innovative format that can be used with small groups of students or at large conferences.

Jon Rea is Engagement and Participation Lead for Nottingham City Council in the UK and a specialist in involving citizens in strategic and operational decision-making. After graduating from Nottingham Trent University with a First in Humanities, Jon worked for the British Trade and Investment Office in the USA and ran an independent publishing company in Nottingham. Since 2005, Jon has developed strategies and plans for active citizen participation in decision making within local authority commissioning processes. He has worked with the UK’s Core Cities group, the British Council’s Future Cities programme and on a number of EU partner projects, including PLACES and NUCLEUS, and globally with university and government partners in China and South Africa. Jon co-ordinates Nottingham’s Stemcity science engagement partnership, and is one of the founders of the city’s annual Festival of Science and Curiosity. He is a fellow of the Royal Society of Arts and a passionate advocate for ‘street-level’ citizen science engagement and co-creation in research, supporting more young people into science and technology careers and democratising science.