You are between 15 and 25 years old, love creative work and are interested in sustainability? Then join the co-creative European Makerthon of the city of Paderborn from October 14-16, 2022. Develop  solutions with other young Europeans around one of our most important resources – water!

HUMAN.WATER.CULTURE – 48 hours, 4 challenges and you?

Around four key challenges – all related to rivers and water systems in European cities – you will develop solutions for the future in this online format that will be completely held in English. The following 4 challenges are at the heart of the event:

URBAN.WATER.DIALOGUE – How might we share knowledge about water?

What can European cities with rivers or water ecosystems learn from each other regarding water culture, water history, water technology or quality? Could a digital platform be a place for international exchange? What other ideas could we think of and what would we gain from sharing knowledge? Develop an idea to support international dialogue on water taking into account multiple users!

URBAN.WATER.HISTORY – How might we build our future on achievements and failures of the past?

How might history help us in finding solutions to challenges connected to water in cities today? How could we explore the interconnection between humans and urban water ecosystems in Paderborn and other cities in Europe? What lessons could we draw from these interactions? Develop an idea or a project that makes history accessible for citizens and helps us to understand how we could learn from history for our future!

URBAN.WATER.LAB – How might we create sustainable ecosystem interactions?

Which factors harm natural water ecosystems? And what are relevant measures to improve or protect urban water ecosystems?  How can we create a sustainable balance between human environment and natural ecosystems in cities? Develop a scenario for a sustainable water environment in a European city considering interactions between humans/animals/plants.

URBAN.WATER.ART – How might we inspire creative interactions about water?

Which role does water play in art and art history? What do existing artworks tell us about the importance of water – in Paderborn or elsewhere in Europe? Develop an art project that reflects the current human interaction with water in an urban environment considering relevant aspects for the future such as an awareness for sustainability!

Interested? Then register by September 30, 2022!

Write an email to and name two challenges you would like to work on during the Makerthon – we will then assign the groups accordingly (you are therefore welcome to prioritize your wishes). For more information, please visit:

Background to the project

The city of Paderborn is currently working on an application for the European Heritage Label with the title “Stadt.Mensch.Fluss. The Pader for Europe”. In this context, we are currently supporting the city of Paderborn in the implementation of a European Makerthon on the topic of HUMAN.WATER.CULTURE. A Makerthon is an interactive marathon of ideas in which participants address current challenges and develop concrete solutions in the form of original concepts or innovative products.